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Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

Beauty should be defined by you, not your age. With our innovative anti-wrinkle treatments, a little can go a long way to enhance your natural beauty and bring back your skin's smooth, unlined texture.


Anti-Wrinkle injections targets and temporarily freezes the muscles in your upper and lower face and around your eyes, minimising the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

This treatment is certainly not just for women. A man who has pronounced lines between his brows may be perceived as angry or stressed—and he does not want to look that way. A Botox treatment requires little time out of the office. So, it is possible to have the procedure done during a lunch hour and head right back to the office.

Not only does it have cosmetic purposes, but Botox can also be used for things like treating migraines, teeth grinding and excessive sweating. For something that is relatively inexpensive and done quickly at a medical clinic. More recently, young people are using Botox as a preventative measure to stop the ageing process.

  • What are the possible risks and side effects?
    These treatments should only be performed by a trained medical professional who understands human anatomy and how to administer injections properly. Because Botulinum Toxin treatments utilises a regulated drug, there may be complications experienced from time-to-time. Temporary side effects include pain, swelling, and bruising where the treatment was performed, and rarely, headaches. Depending on the area treated, you may experience a droopy eyebrow, a crooked smile and/or drooling, and eye dryness or persistent tearing. Your doctor will discuss all risks and complications with you during your consultation.
  • How Does Preventative Botox Work?
    It’s important to understand how Botox works so you can be fully informed about how preventative Botox will work. Botox is a brand name. Other brands approved in the UK are: Dysport, Azzalure, Bocouture and Xeomin. The medical name of the drug is Botulin Toxin Type A which is derived from Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium. It’s naturally found in soil, lakes, and forests. Botox is a prescription medication which is why it’s so important that you get Botox treatments from a trained professional. They are knowledgeable about the appropriate dosage and know where to inject the Botox to alleviate wrinkles. To create Botox to inject, the powder is mixed with a saline solution and then injected into certain areas to weaken the muscles. This is how it works to reduce wrinkles. By weakening the muscles, Botox prevents them from moving and causing static or permanent wrinkles. Most people wait until they start to see wrinkles before they seek Botox treatment, but preventative treatment uses Botox to treat wrinkles before they emerge. By injecting the muscles that typically cause wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, and eyebrows with Botox before they start to develop wrinkles, you are essentially preventing them before they happen. The Botox slows down the use of those muscles, preventing lines from developing (or at least delaying the development of the lines). One of the most common places for preventative Botox is to the forehead, frown and glabellar area. Preventative Botox can prevent deep lines, which can make you look older and tired and are harder to treat once they develop
  • How long will the treatment take to work?
    Anti-wrinkle injections typically last around 3 months, especially in patients who are just starting. The results may vary depending on your activity levels and metabolism. However, the more anti-wrinkle injections you receive throughout your life, the fewer treatments you may need as your muscles become conditioned to the treatment.
  • Are anti-wrinkle injections the same as Botox?
    Botox and anti-wrinkle injections are the same treatment. There are several anti-wrinkle drugs that have the same or similar active ingredients. BOTOX® is simply the brand name used for a specific and widely known drug that is used for anti-wrinkle procedures. We use a variety of anti-wrinkle drugs, with the most wanted being BOTOX & BOCOUTURE.
  • Does Botox ruin your face?
    Botox is a great option to slow down the ageing process and minimise fine lines and wrinkles and prevent future wrinkles from forming. Going to a clinic that employs unlicenced or poorly train staff and/or uses low-quality products can have negative consequences and cause concerning or unwanted results. Dr Sultan has years of training and experience working with these injectable treatments and produces great, natural results time and again. Always ensure you attend a reputable clinic for your treatments.
  • What can I expect after my treatment?
    Botox & Bocouture injections are great ways to remove fine lines and wrinkles, and prevent future skin ageing. Results are generally first visible after 14 days from your date of treatment. Immediately after your treatment, you may notice small red bumps caused by the injections to the treated area. Additionally, you may experience a mild headache, as well as temporary mild redness, bruising, and swelling, which will typically go away within 24 hours.
  • Is it painful?
    Anesthesia is not required and most patients experience only minimal and brief discomfort.
  • How much does it cost?
    Anti-wrinkle treatments start at £200 and are priced according to the area that you are treating. Typical areas of Botox Injections of the upper face include: • Glabella: Vertical lines between the eyebrows. • Forehead: Horizontal lines across the forehead. The glabella should be treated in conjunction with the forehead. • Crow’s Feet: The lines around the outer eyes. • Gummy Smile • Bunny lines: Diagonal lines on the sides of the nose. The current demand of this treatment is high. While there are clinics that offers this treatment at lower prices, it is important to be aware of their qualifications, training, and experience.
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